Mon 27 Jan
New*° DROP *° DEAD *° G O R G E O U S °PuertoRiCaN& WHiTE - 18
(Houston, 59 South and the Beltway)
M __ A __K __ E __*__ M __Y__*__ __C__ A __T__*__ G __O __*__WILD 5 months prego now!! - 19
(beltway8/westheimer rd)
! * ! * JUST what the DOCTOR ORDERED ! * ! * ! * ! * available for Fun * !! * !! - 35
(Houston, i10 @ hwy 6)
Its Saturday night / Sunday morning lets have some fun ..... Italian & Brazillian
(Houston, Houston area)
► INDEPENDENT Beautiful Sexy Tall Slender Dirty Blonde Playmate Visiting LIMITED TIME! - 25
(Houston, Galleria/Westchase Incall/Outcall)
*%* I LOVE What I Do *%* Nothing But The BEST *%* GrEaT aTTiTuDe uNBeaTaBLe SeRViCe - - 19
(Houston, 45/rankin)
Hott _&_ WeTT ___ STicky ___ JuiCy & READY... CuM on oVer!!! ALL oVer!!! - 24
(InCall I-10 & 610/ OutCalls All Over HOU)
-:¦:-* HoTt & SeXy ★ PrEgNaNt & fUN ★ REadY t0 PlAy .*¨¨*-:¦:-* - 24
(southwest houston stafford)
**** ** SEXY **** **** *LATINA ** ******no one does it better ***** ******* ****** ********** - 29
(Houston/college station)
♥:: Hot Chick [ ReADy ] • ♥:: • [ To PLaY] • ♥:: • - Miah (310) 967-9043 $60$ - 21
🌹🌹🌹Holidayy Speciaalss SANTAAA REWARDSSS! Your giftsss Cocoaa Miaa & Redd(; - 21
(Houston Southeast, Southeast Houston)
Honey Cocaine>>💉❤ HIGHLY ADDICTIVE👄👅❤ mixed baddie whose looking to Party!!!👯50rosespcl - 20
(Houston, NRG Stadium, 610,59 S, South West Area)
^^^^^^ Hey Guys, Come and Find me !!!!! ... Ladies of Momoya Spa ^^^^^^^ - 22
(Houston, Westheimer Rd. & S. Dairy Ashford Rd.)
♥*High DEFinition*♥ **high-quality** ♥Rare Specialty♥ - 26
(Houston, NW(290)1960@249(williowbrook) beltway8)
😊 ♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »- $80 💄C▒U▒R▒V ▒Y»-♥-» B▒L▒O▒N▒D▒E 💖💖 B▒A▒R▒B▒I▒E♥ $pecials - - 22
(Houston, All Houston 290,Nw,Sw,all surroun)
[ GORGeOUs BaBe ]] 💋❤💋[[BeAuTiFul SmiLe]]💋❤💋[[ SUPER SEXY ]] 💋❤💋——💋❤💋[[ READY NOW - 20
(Houston, I-10 east, Baytown)
GENTLEMAN SPECIAL! Come see what u Been missing. Yes! I'm here in town. YOUR EXOTIC LATINA - 23
(Houston, 1960 and i45)
G R E E N E Y E S = T H I C K - T H I G H S - R O U N D = BOOTY = LOOK - 19
(Houston, SW Westheimer/Galleria)
🌟FREAK CERTIFIED.Redhead,Put it in my A🍑super thick👌 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, NRG, 610 & Kirby, all Houston outcalls)
Exotic💋Tight &Petite;🍡Godess 🍡Blonde & Brunette💕 8325492710 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, westhaimer and 8)
🌴🐬 Exotic🌴🐬 [40$ Specials]😘Filipino⭐ [📞45/south📞] Busty💏 Playmate👅 Amazingly 🎊🎉🎈 Addictive 💊 - 20
(City of Houston, Hobby airport area, Houston)
💋💸💋Early,Morning, Special!HH70huggs QV50huggs - 26
(City of Houston, Hobby,airport,45,south, Houston)
@@@*@@@*@@@ LaSt DaY fOr CaLiFoRnIa SuNsHiNe FeW hOuRs LeFt ... @@@*@@@*@@@ - 26
(GaLLaRia!!!New Pics!!!)
Dont cheat yourself treat yourself mixed Puerto Rican&Black;* SPECIAL* - 20
(Houston, 290, 610,43rd,34th, northwest)
@@@ Desire Is Working Now. Come And Enjoy Me Working Till Midnight Tonight @@@ - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
~ ~ ~ Dirty and Nasty BBW Ms B O N N I E Ready to be your o 48 JJJ ~~~ - 27
(Houston, Baytown I-10 and Garth rd)
Daddy's Little Girl All Grown Up~ UpScale Mature GentleMen Only - 19
COMe get Out (504) Of The Cold (717) And Come Inside (8462) My Warm Place, - 23
(Houston, westheimer)
,︵‿♥,︵‿✰ Come Get A Taste Of This 2 For Tuesday Till Midnight ,︵‿♥,︵‿ - 19
(Houston, NeAr ClEaRlAkE 45 South)
Come Get You Some - Juicy Fruit – 50 $ 80 - - 30
(Channelview/ East Freeway/ Baytown, City of Houston, Houston)
Colombian beauty ready to cater to you SE HABLA ESPAÑOL - 22
(Houston, deerpark/laporte/pasadena/baytown/610/45)
*!*CO~CO BROWN S*L*U*T*T**!((( (($65 Late Nigh t Freak Action$ 65)))))*!*CO~CO BROWN *S*L*U*T *T* - 26
(Houston, ***59-SouthWest-Frwy***((In=Out)))
🔝 Choice Your Premium Provider💎💋💦💋🌹 - 19
(59 south/ i 10 East/ Westiemer /BayTown, City of Houston, Houston)
*¨¨* CAUTION -:¦: *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* *¨¨* ADDICTION -:¦:- -:¦:- - *¨¨* - 20
(Hobby Airport)
(((( CELEST )_ Want to play with a hot sexy blonde who knows how to have a good time? - 20
Certified Freak who can Satisfy Anyone & Anywhere!!!!! - 24
Chrismas is here ! Let me be your Favorate Gift treat your self!! you deserve it! - 26
(Houston, 45/1960)
** BuSt It OpEn $PECIAL$ ** 409.454.8540 ** ThIcK JuIcY BoOtY ** 50 $pecial$ ** - 23
Back by popular DeMand$!! mi$$ Texan SOUTHERN Bell!! :-) - 24
(Houston, $pecials/Conroe/Woodlands/Spring)
ೋ 60 **DoN'T Dr0P !T... L3T M3 C@TCH !T!!! 60- CLEARLAKE O/C 2NITE 0NLY!! 30 MIN N0TICE!! - 22
> *ASIAN*° *GIRLS * 4°NEW *PRETTY* ° SEXxY FLUSHING - *¨¨**¨¨* - 23
(9110 jones rd/pass to beltway 8/290)
>>> * PeRFeCT 10 * **** TOP QUALITY **** H*O*T* ====> S*e*X*y
(Houston, Galleria/ Houston (IN&OUT;))