Mon 27 Jan
Miss Maitai new to that Houston Area what's new come what's the fuss about.... - 20
(1960 and I-45, City of Houston, Houston)
((((((( Mandy is back and ready to play ))))))) 100%GFE 100% REAL PICS - 29
(Clearlake/Dickinson & Surrounding Areas)
Make Sure To Put Me On Your "To-Do" List :-) .... Now Booking Appointments For THURSDAY from 6am - 27
(West Houston Incall .... I-10 @ Eldridge)
Mature Independent Lady Total No Games Or Drama Just 100 % Pure Relaxation for You - 39
(1960/45 Huntsville North Houston Spring)
:*: ( MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :*: ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) :*: Outcalls Only - 22
Make Sure To Put Me On Your "To- Do" List .. :-) .. Now Booking For WEDNESDAY ... 8:30am to 11pm - 27
(Midtown - Downtown - 77006)
* * * * Make Your Saturday Night Plans w/ Brooke Now .... Available TONIGHT ... 7pm to 2am * * * * - 27
(Upscale Midtown Incall)
LOVELY MiXXeD BEAUTY JORDYN/// 100% REAL Pics!!! Silky SMOOTH Skin & Available NOW ****
(very close 2 u)
MaKe YoUr NeXt MoVe ... YoUr BeSt MoVe ... CaLL ~JADE~ @ 281-507-2008 FoR a NiGhT U WoN't FoRgEt ! - 36
(45 & Rankin Rd. (Northside))
==>>** !'m B@Ck ☆CuM PL@Y w/ UR "@LL* T!M3* F@V0R!T3" SLuT.. ChYN@ D0LL☆ - 22
(G@LL3R!@--IN/0UTS @LL 0V3R)
Looking For the Test Time Of Your Life CALL ME IF YOU NEED TO EASE YOUR MIND - 19
(Houston, I-10 AND MASON)
KC ★☆★ Midwestern GAL ☆★☆ Hazel Eyes ★☆★ SPECIALS ☆★☆ INDEPENDENT PROVIDER - 24
(Houston, outacalls to Richmond/Katy/Sugarland)
😍😘💋Kories sweets are your fantacies💋🌹🌹 - 21
(All houston pearland webster alvin anglt, City of Houston, Houston)
♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚*NaSt¥ BrUnEtTe FreAK!♥Ju¡c¥ BoOt¥ - 23
(Houston, In/out woodlands,Conroe,45,North,1960)
..... .iTs SaTuRDaY NiTe.... and tHiS WeeKeNd ..... FReA k i$ .....LiVE !!!! ! At uR DiSPoSaL - 30
(incalls and outcalls)
💕Jaw Dropping, Mouth Watering 👅 Mind B!owing 💋 Toe Curling Experience ╠╣ot! ♥ BLONDE ρℓαγmαtε� - 19
(Houston, South H, galleria, sugarland, pearland)
~ * ~ J3ss!c@ ~ * ~ J@Rv!S ~ * ~ GR3@T ASSeTs ~ * ~ FR3Sh To Th3 ~ * ~ NoRThW3sT ~ * ~ R3@dY 4 FuN ~ - 25
(J3RS3Y V!LLaG3 / B3LTWaY & 290 Area)
Incredible Sexy Destiny the Princess*** Destiny *** Call NOW! Don't Miss out on the Best...Destiny - 19
(Houston Galleria South)
INCALL ▊▊▊▊《❤》▊▊▊▊ ▬▬▬ ▊▊《❤》▊▊ —— ►►►► ●Petite●Girl ◄◄◄◄ ▬▬ ▊▊《❤》▊▊ ▬▬▬ ▊▊▊▊《❤》▊▊▊▊ INCALL - 25
(290&43rd; beltway 8; jersey village, City of Houston, Houston)
Indian NuRu MassagE 140Hour specials 70hhr LasT DaY - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston Incall Galleria)
INCALLS & OUTCALLS NOW *:*: 100% Satisfaction;*SYAN* [¢LiCK ME] Look No Further :*:*- - 28
(Houston, SW/Sugarland/59S/In&Outs; All Night)
👯 IN &OUT; 👯 Asian CUTIES @ XU Spa 👯👯 NEW management 👯👯 walk in or Call 832-302-8586 👯👯👯 👯👯👯 - 21
(9403 bellaire BLVD, City of Houston, Houston)
I'm SOo WeTt _____ (o)(o)hWeE _____ BeNd Me OvEr _____ DoUbLe DD's=100/1 HR - 20
(Houston & Surrounding Areas)
I'm Stacy , Welcome into my world of immeasurable pleasure and pure bliss! Don't you deserve an unfo - 20
(Houston, 59 and beltway 8)
(Houston, Houston/Tomball/Woodlands/Conroe/Spring)
✨I Want Some NOW!! (1OO% Independent) "ALL MY BOOTY" ( 🌟.H.O.R.N.Y. F.R.E.A.K. 🌟)* Freaked TF Out ✨ - 21
(Houston, SouthMain / 610 / Reliant Area)
I N T E R N A T I O N A L ***** P L E A S U R E ***** B U N N NY!!! - 21
(Clear Lake to Galveston! In & Out!)
*I Want 2 Please You*Let's Have a Fun Sunday*Latinas Vanessa Y Jessica 80/HH * - 28
(Houston, 45 South/Hobby Airport)
◄ ★ ICEY***** SAY*** ITS **** FRIDAY AND ITS TIME TO GET LAID★ ►** - 26
💜 💜 💜 ✧✧✧✧ ◕ I.. KN◯W.. JUST.. H◯W.. T◯... MAKє ... Y◯U.. SMϊLє... ◕ ‿ ✧✧✧✧ 💜 💜 💜 - 26
(Houston, NW North Woodlands. Conroe. 45 : 242)
*:..:**:..:* *:..:* *:..:* *:..:* *:..:* I Do The Things Your Wife Won't Do! *:..:* 281 904 5810 - 28
I am very Pretty & Super Busty - looks Guaranteed💋 ((Roxie))💋💋 36D's - 23
(Houston, Houston/Galleria/Woodlands/Sugarland)
_ I Have 1 Appointment Available TONIGHT & I Am Also Booking Appointments For FRIDAY _ - 27
(Upscale Incall - Midtown - Downtown)
💕🌟👩H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr🌬💨 Μιηd💘💯%NeW👍 SexY ✨White🌟BeAuTy ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD - 32
(Houston, The Woodlands, ❤️iNcALLs 📞 mE 💕 8322572923)
I know how to work the 💦💦 P O L E 👅 ( Outcalls ) ➡ B U S T Y💋 CuRvY & EXoTiC💋 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls outcalls)
{{{ ~ HUMBLE 59n ~My PLACE/YOURS ~ }}}☆ :-•*SeXy*•- 5☆•*¨¨*• EXoTiC B O M B S H E L L *•-: ☆ - 25
(City of Houston, 59N 1960 Humble Kingwood Atascocita)
i can make you cum like no other!!!incall or outcall specials!!!!! - 25
(45n-spring-the woodlands-bush airport!outcall in 30 mins.)
** HouSToN!...i'M LeaViNG!! *♥* ReaDy To PleaSe » [(¯ SiZzLiN' HoTT *EbOnY* SpiNNeR ´¯)] - 24
(Galleria/Westheimer (In's/Out's))
*:•. .•:* ¨*:•. .•:* ¨ Houston's Hottest Housewife!! *:•. .•:* ¨*:•. .•:* - 29
(Houston, iah ~ 59 ~ jfk ~ humble ~ kingwood)
Houston Business Men ... :-) ... MAKE SURE TO PUT ME ON YOUR TO-DO LIST ... :-) ... Today From 7am - 27
(Greenway Plaza - 59 @ Kirby)
…………………………… HUGEAZZ W TOYS ANY COMBO …………………… $6O=1hr …………………… CULONA JUGETES Y HAGO TODO ………………………… - 36
(Houston, ……………XtraCaliente…………5pm…………MiCasa………………)
Houston's Finest Big Booty, Chocolate Playmate Ultimate HHR. SPECIAL !! - 24
(INCALL/Southwest Freeway Frontage Rd.)
❤❤Hwy 6❤1960❤❤L00K❤Hablo Español❤Call Me❤St0p I DARE you too OPeN! U Will❤FAll❤Inl0ve❤ - 23
(Houston, 290 / Hwy 6 / Cy Fair/ 1960 /Call 4 spc!)
Houston Elite Escorts Variety at its best you Choose what you like! 100% real pics! - 21
(Houston OUTCALL)
Houston and surr areas Kingwood, Woodlands, Pearland, Clearlake, Stafford anywhere you need me! - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)